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February 23, 2021

Sam Lieberman Named Co-Head of Sadis's Litigation Practice

Sadis is pleased to announce that Partner Sam Lieberman has been named Co-Head of Sadis’ Litigation Department. The Litigation Department has been led by Partner Douglas Hirsch, and like Mr. Hirsch, Mr. Lieberman is an experienced litigator. Mr. Hirsch and Mr. Lieberman will continue to work together to expand Sadis’ Litigation Department.

Of the announcement, Mr. Hirsch said, “Sam has been a great asset to our clients and the firm and I look forward to strengthening our productive partnership”. Mr. Lieberman has taken a leading role in many of Sadis’s largest and most impactful Litigation matters, including:
  • Winning a $57.7 million appraisal rights judgment, at a substantial premium over the opposing party’s valuation and the deal price;
  • Recovering $20 million for hedge fund arising out of a hedge fund valuation fraud;
  • Recovering over $12.3 million in related appraisal and quasi-appraisal actions, at a premium of over 190% above deal price; and
  • Successfully defending executives of hedge funds, investment banks and broker-dealers in securities litigation and S.E.C., FINRA and U.S. Attorneys’ Office investigations.

The announcement comes after Mr. Lieberman’s recent win in Delaware Supreme Court, affirming his $57.7 million trial victory in Manichaean Capital v. SourceHOV, named the Top Business Valuation and Damages case of 2020. 

Mr. Hirsch and Mr. Lieberman will be hosting a Litigation Webinar Series with part one focusing on Minority Investor Rights.